County Court of Victoria – First time users

Only legal practitioners can eFile documents through CITEC Confirm. Read more about our special services.

You can also only record one set of practitioner details per CITEC Confirm account code. The details should apply to all persons using the account code for eFiling.

Can I lodge documents in the County Court if I am based outside of Victoria?

Yes, as long as you have a Victorian Legal Service’s Board solicitor code number (Victorian solicitor code).

A solicitor must have a Victorian solicitor code to file in the county court’s case management system. Many interstate firms have agencies or business addresses in Victoria and already have a Victorian solicitor code they can use.

If you don’t have a Victorian solicitor code, you may apply for access to eFiling. Simply download and complete the Request by interstate solicitor to lodge documents via eFiling form.

A solicitor having conduct of the proceeding needs to sign this form and submit it to the Court through the applicable registry:

Common Law Division
(03) 8636 6508

Commercial Law Division
(03) 8636 6690

After the court receives the completed form, they’ll process your request and inform you of their decision.

If approved, they will issue you with a code that can then be entered into the eFiling system for the particular case that you are associated with. This code can only be used for filing on the case that it is assigned to.

What are the hours of operation?

You can access our County Court of Victoria eFiling system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However you can only successfully lodge documents during registry hours.

If you attempt to lodge a document after the closing time of the corresponding registry, the registry will process and stamp it on the next business day.

View the registry hours.

Where do I enter my firm details?

The first time you select Vic County Court eFiling from the CITEC Confirm main menu, the firm details screen displays. Enter your details then select ‘Next’ to proceed to the County Court of Victoria eFiling menu.

Field Information
Firm Legal Services Board (LSB) number (solicitor code) Mandatory
Firm name The registered name of your firm or sole practitioner

You may enter only Victorian LSB numbers in the Firm LSB number (solicitor code) field. The court will reject non-Victorian LSB numbers.

What is the correct format for the firm LSB number (solicitor code)?

The LSB number (also known as the CourtLink or CourtView or solicitor code) is a unique identifier for a firm, consisting of a maximum of six digits.

To obtain your LSB number, please contact the Victorian Legal Services Board on (03) 9679 8000. The ‘Confirmation of registration for your law practice’ issued by the Legal Services Board lists this number in the Details of Registration, as the CourtLink/CourtView number.

Enter this number in the format CRnnnnnn. If your LSB number is less than 6 digits, enter it with leading zeroes in front, for example CR012345.

If you need to update your LSB number in Vic County Court eFiling, please contact the Confirm Service Centre for assistance.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Our Customer Service Centre is here to help you between 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.

Phone 1800 773 773