
Which search should I use?

View the main search criteria and sample results below.

Search option Main search criteria Results Result sample Notes
Title search Title reference Copy of the title Sample Complete a name or address search to retrieve a title reference, if unknown.
Check search Title reference Extract summarising any action(s) associated with a title over a period of time. Sample Complete a name or address search to retrieve a title reference, if unknown.
Document search Document number Copy of the document. Sample Complete a title search to retrieve the document number, if unknown.
Survey search Survey number Copy of the survey/plan. Complete a title search to retrieve the survey number, if unknown.
Name search Individual or organisation name Browse list of names matching your criteria. Sample Complete this search to retrieve a title reference, if unknown.
Address search Address Browse list of addresses matching your criteria. Sample Complete this search to retrieve a title reference, if unknown.

How are searches processed?

Most results return immediately online.

Some searches may proceed to a manual process. You’ll receive manually processed results via email within three business days.

Will charges apply for a no result?

Yes, charges apply for a no result. Refunds aren’t available for cancelled titles, surveys or documents.

What does my result status mean?

The Confirm inbox allows you to check the status of manually retrieved orders.

The following statuses may apply to your search:

  • completed – displays when your search has returned a result online
  • ordered – displays if your result requires manual processing
  • pending – displays while the system awaits a response from the provider
  • error – displays when search criteria is missing or incorrect.

Do reduced fees apply for multiple searches?

If you complete a title search and check search on the same calendar day with the same title reference, the title search will have a reduced fee.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Our Customer Service Centre is here to help you between 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.

Phone 1800 773 773
Email confirm@citec.com.au

View our WA land searches user guide for more information on how to search.