Power of attorney statement search

What is a power of attorney (POA)?

A power of attorney (POA) is a written instrument authorising a person to act as agent for another person to the extent indicated in the instrument. The person with authority doesn’t need to be a legal practitioner and could be the Public Trustee, the Adult Guardian, a relative or friend of the principal.

A POA dealing with real estate must be stamped and recorded in the Qld Power of Attorney Register within the land registry.

What information will I get from a power of attorney statement search?

A Qld power of attorney statement extract includes:

  • principal and attorney names
  • dealing number
  • effective date.

View a sample power of attorney statement.

This search doesn’t provide an imaged copy of the power of attorney document.

Can I order a copy of the POA?

Yes, you can order copies of the POA through Order images: Document/Dealing on the Qld lands menu. To find out how to order an imaged document, refer to our support page.

Are all POAs in Qld on this database?

No, you can retrieve POA information related to real estate from this search.

What does the information on a Qld POA mean?

Title Description
Principal/Donor The person principally concerned and giving the power.
Attorney/Donee The person appointed as agent and receiving the power.
Effective date This is the nominated date for commencement. If no date is nominated, the POA begins immediately.
Enduring POA Allows the principal to appoint someone they trust to make decisions for them during their life time, if they no longer have the capacity to do so. An enduring POA usually takes effect when the principal loses capacity to manage their own affairs.
General POA Allows the principal to appoint someone they trust to make decisions about financial matters for them. The POA only has effect while the principal has capacity to make decisions about those matters.

What search criteria should I use?

You have three options to do a Qld POA statement search:

  1. dealing number
  2. company name or the surname and given name of the principal
  3. company name or the surname and given name of the attorney.

Can I use wildcards to search for a POA?

Yes, you can use a wildcard ‘%’ when searching on a company name or surname.

Enter at least three characters before the wildcard. However, for given names, enter at least one character.

If you don’t use a wildcard, the search will look for exact matches in that field.

Wildcard examples

  • Surname ‘Green’, no given name will find all persons with the surname ‘Green’ regardless of given name.
  • Surname ‘Green’, given name ‘John’ will find only persons with the surname ‘Green’ and the single given name ‘John’. The search won’t find ‘John Robert Green’.
  • Surname ‘Green’, given name ‘J%’ will find all persons with the surname ‘Green’ and a given name beginning with ‘J’. So, the search would find ‘John Robert Green’.
  • Surname ‘Green%’, given name ‘J%’ will find all persons with a surname beginning with ‘Green’ and a given name beginning with ‘J’. So, the search would find ‘John Greene’.

How will I receive my results?

Results are immediately available via the result screen. They’re also available in the Confirm inbox for up to 30 business days.

If required, you can choose to receive a result via email.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Our Customer Service Centre is here to help you between 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.

Phone 1800 773 773
Email confirm@citec.com.au

For more information on how to search, view our Qld land searches user guide.