Survey reports

If your account doesn’t have access to these services, an error message will show when you attempt to use a service.

Access to Vic land searches and Vic conveyancing is restricted to clients that have signed the current Customer Agreement.

Further restrictions apply to the Vic land index search – Search by owner name. To access this search, you must also sign the LANDATA® Deed of Grant (PDF) in addition to the Customer Agreement.

Email the completed form/s to your CITEC Confirm contact or our Business Support at

A Vic land survey report provides the following information, where available:

  • surveyor details
  • report’s purpose
  • crown description
  • municipality
  • title reference
  • related easements, road abuttals
  • survey information perused and
  • datum relationships and connection to MGA94/SCN
  • alignments and boundaries adopted
  • need for amendment of title
  • effect on government roads or Crown lands
  • old survey marks details
  • connection to permanent marks or permanent survey marks
  • whether land is with a proclaimed survey area
  • equipment calibration details and GNSS equipment and techniques
  • currency conditions
  • dealing examination reports
  • survey abstracts.

View a sample survey report.

What search criteria should I use to order a survey report?

To order a Vic land survey report, you need a plan reference. A plan reference includes a document prefix, followed by a document number, for example PS 123456.

View the document prefixes below.

Abbreviation Description
AP Application plan
BP Boundary plan
CS Cluster plan
CP Consolidation plan
FS Forest surveys
A-S Letter plan
MS Miscellaneous plan
OP Original plan (crown)
PC Plan of consolidation, Subdivision Act 1988 (Vic)
LP Plan of subdivision
PS Plan of subdivision, Subdivision Act
RA Road alignment
RE Re-establishment plan
RP Strata plan
SP Strata plan
TP Title plan
YF Yearly field notes (crown)

Can I save my order and finish later?

Yes, you can save your order and finish it later via ‘Save, finish later’. Your order will save in the Confirm inbox with the status set to ‘Saved’.

Select the order from the Confirm inbox to resume it.

How long are saved orders stored?

Orders that you save to finish later are available for seven days from the Confirm inbox. After this time, the ‘Saved’ order status will change to ‘Expired’, and you’ll need to resubmit your search.

All orders with a ‘Saved’ status will automatically change to ‘Expired’ in the Confirm inbox at midnight on 30 June every year.

How long should it take for results to return?

For a full list of turnaround times from each authority, please view the turnaround times page.

How and when will my results be available?

Results will return via the email you specified in your delivery profile. They’re also available in the Confirm inbox for up to 90 calendar days.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Our Customer Service Centre is here to help you between 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.

Phone 1800 773 773

For more information on how to search, view our Vic conveyancing user guide.