Document searches

If your account doesn’t have access to these services, an error message will show when you attempt to use a service.

Access to Vic land searches and Vic conveyancing is restricted to clients that have signed the current Customer Agreement.

Further restrictions apply to the Vic land index search – Search by owner name. To access this search, you must also sign the LANDATA® Deed of Grant (PDF) in addition to the Customer Agreement.

Email the completed form/s to your CITEC Confirm contact or our Business Support at

A quick search allows you to order multiple searches related to a single parcel. These include:

  • title search
  • imaged plan search
  • instrument search
  • issue search
  • prelodgement check
  • dealing search
  • historical search.

Issue searches are available for titles and instruments.

Search criteria differ depending on the search(es) you request. This includes:

  • title search – title reference is required.
  • imaged plan search – plan type and number is required.
  • dealing search – dealing identifier is required.
  • instrument search – instrument identifier is required.
  • prelodgement check – title reference is required.

A title is a legal document confirming possession of land. A title search will return an automated title from the title system.

The title identifies:

  • land description
  • registered proprietor(s)
  • any associated instruments, dealings or owners corporations.

View a sample title search result.

Use a title reference. A title reference consists of a 1–5 digit volume number followed by a 3-digit folio number.

If you don’t have the title reference, you can retrieve this information using a land index search.

What is an automated title?

Automated titles display the complete information about a title as text in a standard format. All new titles, and an increasing number of existing titles, are automated.

They appear as register search statements and each extract begins with a security number, the volume/folio number of the title and a date/time stamp signifying that the information is current.

Title details show under the following headings.

Headings Descriptions
Land Land description
Registered proprietor Type of ownership, proprietor(s) name and address
Encumbrances, caveats and notices Instrument number and type
Diagram location Title diagram or imaged plan details
Dealing activity in the last 125 days Number, type, status and date
Administrative notices (if needed) Type, details and date
Owner corporation (if applicable) N/A

What is an imaged plan?

Imaged plans are scanned images of the original plan the Victorian Land Registry holds. Where available, you’ll also receive owners corporation basic report(s).

Imaged plans show:

  • boundaries and details of a land parcel
  • depth limitations, easements and other information traditionally recorded on a title.

View a sample imaged plan.

You need a plan reference for this search. This consists of:

  • plan type (two letters)
  • plan number (up to six digits).

You should not include leading zeros in the plan number or the plan type characters.

An instrument is a document that has been lodged at a land registry and has been processed and registered. An instrument search will provide an imaged copy of the instrument.

Examples include:

  • transfers
  • mortgages
  • caveats.

You can lodge any of these documents as a dealing. They become instruments when they’re actually registered on a title.

View a sample instrument.

You need an instrument number for this search. This is a unique identifier of up to ten characters once the instrument is registered on a title.

It can include numbers and alpha characters (for example, T123456Y).

What is a title diagram?

A title diagram is part of an imaged title showing the boundaries and details of a land parcel. Title diagrams are used when a title is automated and an imaged plan is not available (mostly crown titles).

The imaged title for the title diagram is not current. A watermark is provided on the image to indicate it does not include any changes since the title became automated.

Title diagrams are gradually being replaced by imaged plans.

View a sample title diagram.

Use the title reference. This consists of a 1–5 digit volume number followed by a 3-digit folio number.

If you don’t have the title reference, you can retrieve this information using a land index search.

What information will I get from an owners corporation basic report?

The owners corporation basic report is produced, where available, each time you order a copy of an imaged plan. It is included in the plan purchase price.

The report will include information such as:

  • land affected by owners corporation
  • limitations on owners corporation
  • postal address for service of notices
  • rules
  • additional rules
  • notations
  • entitlements and liability (will not include folio references).

What information will I get from an owners corporation premium report?

The owners corporation premium report will provide all the information in an owners corporation basic report as well as:

  • folio references
  • name/details of the owners corporation manager.

View a sample owners corporation premium report.

What search criteria should I use for an owners corporation premium report?

Use the plan details to search for an owners corporation premium report. You should also supply an owners corporation number, if available.

How will I receive my search results?

All results return in PDF format. Results for titles return online immediately, while image requests return within a few minutes.

The exact processing time will depend on the number of pages in the images.

For images, while they’re processed, the ‘Result’ link on the search results page will display as ‘In progress’. You can select ‘In progress’ before all images return to begin viewing your images from the Result summary.

Select the individual links in the ‘Your results’ section to individually view images.

All results are also available in the Confirm inbox for up to 30 calendar days.

Some pages may take longer to download than others. Don’t resubmit the search while the results download.

Will I get a result even if the document is not automated?

If the search you request doesn’t exist in the automated system, you can submit a manual order request. Our team completes manual orders directly from the Victorian Land Registry and will return it to you by your selected delivery method within 3 working days (if available from the Victorian Land Registry).

Note: 99% of Victorian titles are available online, either as automated extracts or images. Retrieving a cancelled title will incur a different charge to normal automated or imaged titles.

Please refer to the fees page for specific fee details.

To assist you to streamline your search processes, we offer an Other related searches option on many of our Vic land searches.

Links to request extra searches related to the document you request will be visible (where available) in the Other related searches section of your Result summary.

Standard search fees apply to each extra document you request through this option.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Our Customer Service Centre is here to help you between 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.

Phone 1800 773 773

For more information on how to search, view our Vic land searches user guide.